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Industiral Solid State Relay SSR

What is the SSR relay?
SSR Relay is a contactless switch consisting of microelectronic circuits, discrete electronics, and power electronics. Isolation devices are used to isolate the control side from the load side. The input of the solid state relay uses a tiny control signal to directly drive the high current load.

SSR relay (SOLIDSTATERELAYS, hereinafter abbreviated as “SSR”), is a new type of non-contact switching device composed of all solid-state electronic components, it uses the switching characteristics of electronic components (such as switching triodes, bi-directional SCR and other semiconductor devices), can achieve the purpose of non-contact and non-spark to connect and disconnect the circuit, so also known as “contactless switch”.

SSR relay is a four-ended active device, where two terminals are input control terminals and the other two terminals are output control terminals. It has both amplification driving and isolation effect, very suitable for driving high-power switching actuator, higher reliability than electromagnetic relays, and no contacts, long life, fast speed, and little interference to the outside world, has been widely used.
How does SSR Relay work?
SSR Relay is a contactless switching device with relay characteristics, which uses semiconductor device instead of conventional electrical contacts as switching devices. The single phase SSR Relay is a four terminals active device, in which two input control terminals, two output terminals, input and output are separated by light, the input can be changed from off state to on state by adding DC or pulse signal to a certain current value.

AC SSR Relay are divided into voltage zero-crossing conduction type (referred to as zero-crossing type) and random conduction type (referred to as random type)

Contact Us

Contact: Charles Huang

Phone: 86 15692172948

Tel: 86 15692172948

Company: Hyltronics

Add: Room 1696, floor 1, building 2, No. 1858, Jinchang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

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