
Display Panels

  • 2.9-inch des electronic paper display intelligent shelf label ultra wide temperature indoor e ink screen
2.9-inch des electronic paper display intelligent shelf label ultra wide temperature indoor e ink screen

2.9-inch des electronic paper display intelligent shelf label ultra wide temperature indoor e ink screen

  • Product description: 2.9-inch des electronic paper display intelligent shelf label ultra wide temperature indoor LCD ink screen

size 2.9 inches
type DES
IC UC8151D
resolving power 296x128
Overall dimension (mm) 79x36.7x1.22
Field of view size (mm) 66.896x29.056
Point spacing (mm) 0.227x0.226
working temperature  - 10℃~60℃
Storage temperature - 25℃~70℃
Connector 24 Pin FPC
Maximum grayscale four
Interface SPI
Full brush time (s) four
Power consumption (MW) eighteen

Standby power consumption (MW) zero point zero one six five

Contact Us

Contact: Charles Huang

Phone: 86 15692172948

Tel: 86 15692172948

Company: Hyltronics

Add: Room 1696, floor 1, building 2, No. 1858, Jinchang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

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