
Component and accessories

  • Lora Lorawan RF wireless communication module SX1278 SX1276
Lora Lorawan RF wireless communication module SX1278 SX1276

Lora Lorawan RF wireless communication module SX1278 SX1276

This document describes the LoRaWAN™ network protocol which is optimized for battery-

powered end-devices that may be either mobile or mounted at a fixed location.

LoRaWAN networks typically are laid out in a star-of-stars topology in which gateways1

relay messages between end-devices 2 and a central Network Server the Network Server

routes the packets from each device of the network to the associated Application Server.

To secure radio transmissions the LoRaWAN protocol relies on symmetric cryptography

using session keys derived from the device’s root keys. In the backend the storage of the

device’s root keys and the associated key derivation operations are insured by a Join


This specification treats the Network Server, Application Server, and Join Server as if they

are always co-located. Hosting these functionalities across multiple disjoint network nodes is

outside the scope of this specification but is covered by [BACKEND].

Gateway are connected to the Network Server via secured standard IP connections while

end-devices use single-hop LoRa™ or FSK communication to one or many gateways.3 All

communication is generally bi-directional, although uplink communication from an end-

device to the Network Server is expected to be the predominant traffic.

Contact Us

Contact: Charles Huang

Phone: 86 15692172948

Tel: 86 15692172948

Company: Hyltronics

Add: Room 1696, floor 1, building 2, No. 1858, Jinchang Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

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